Tuesday, February 5, 2013

In the beginning there was...

Trying out something new.
One of the awesome ladies in the ward asked if I would write out my New Years Resolutions....

Here's the deal...

I hate resolutions.

To me Resolutions is another way of saying, "Yeah, right, I'll be all gun-ho about it for about 3 hours and then I'm going to break all these things I made a goal of and then feel sorry for myself... woe is me, I'm a failure."

Of course that's not what I do when I fail to complete my resolutions, it's just what everyone says all over Facebook.

So I just renamed them to be my (cue megaphone)"GOALS OF THE YEAR". Meaning, if I can, then I'll accomplish some of them, if not, no biggie. They can easily be carried over to next year as well. (I didn't put an actual date on them. Convenient.)

Things that I have on my massive posterboard are things like... clean my room. (If you're my family then you're laughing, I know, because I can hear you. Yes, you're loud. No, it's not appreciated.) And technically, it's not just my room, but Chad's and Mikaela's as well. So I've been doing a decent job at keeping it mostly organized. I do still like to have my piles though... it gives me something to work on. At least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Others are things like, Explore woodburning, smile,  Go to the beach, write in the baby books, cook some stuff from Pinterest, and of course keep in better contact with the family.

So, this is the whole keeping in better contact with the family. That way when I fail to call you, or fail to Skype because of Ms. Crankypants, then I can resort to a little story here on the blog and call it good.

I know, it doesn't count. But I'm currently too far away to receive any kicks to the derriere.

So here we go. Hope it's something good, and I sure hope it lasts longer than a week.

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